Friday, September 22, 2017


I promise to get back to ranting about shit people. I know you must miss the swearing and train wreck that is my mind.

I did in fact have a situation today that warrants a FULL BLOWN RANT and I promise to deliver; but I am actually trying to be somewhat productive today. I think they pay me for this 8-5 bullshit I do.

Pretty please stay tuned for the mini drama that transpired. It was dazzling. There will be F-bombs, I may use the C word, and we will even talk socio-cultural aspects [I know, I was surprised too].

~Thanks for sticking this mello blogging bullshit out with me. You guys are troopers!!

As always, feel free to email me: - Let me know you're out there and you exist. Drop a line to let me know what's working for ya and what's not. I probably won't give a fuck, but you can do it. :)

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