Thursday, June 6, 2019

365 days plus time served

June 6, 2019: our anniversary. I’ve been married (to the same guy) for a full year. We’ve been together for more than 6 years. I’ve never devoted myself to anything with such unwavering loyalty. Well, not since elementary school; I refused to let the stretch pant and scrunchy sock fad die. I just wouldn’t give up on them, holding out hope that LA Gear shoes with glitter shoelaces would make a comeback. I was fighting the good fight. I wasn’t one of the tacky bitches who wore tasseled denim jackets or, god forbid, the tasseled boot. I had class. Stretch, scrunch, & glitter 4 lyfe!

People will sometimes ask how The Lobster (husband) and I met. I like to say, “It’s kind of a funny story. When we first met, he was a married mute who tucked his rock band t-shirts into his denim shorts. He reminded me of a teenager with developmental issues, who, because he was still married, was off-limits. It was so fucking hot.”

My husband isn’t a mute, he just wasn’t much for words when we first met. I get it, I’m kind of breathtaking. He was, in fact, married when we first became acquainted. That’s a long story. CliffsNotes: She lost. I won. He no longer tucks in his t-shirts. I win, again. I’m not a homewrecker either; they were already separating. I was just in the right place at the right time. I’m lucky like that.

When I began dating my husband, I was much prettier. Okay, I was nicer. You still not buying? Fine. I was younger. Along with youth comes a sense of I’m going to be okay, no matter what. I don’t need a relationship. I’m older. Not so anymore. It’s all downhill from here; a fact I remind my husband of frequently. It’s called CYA. Can’t have him claiming he wasn’t aware that I’d let myself go then try filing for divorce. It’d be a shame for the brake lines on his car to go.  

I have trouble getting off the floor when I’ve gone looking for something under the sofa. Bracing all my weight on my good knee with both hands to assist me, I hoist my meaty organ husk off the floor, letting out a soft whimper. I am not prepared to do this shit alone. Furthermore, I want a partner whom I can tease well into old age.

What if I fall in the shower one day? Sure, Life Alert can get a paramedic to my residence, but by now I’m ugly, old, and likely naked. What’s the point? Might as well just leave me in the shower to drown in my own piss and tears. My cats will eat my remains eventually. I’ve seen them throw up on the floor then eat it, you can’t tell me they won’t eat my dead body. Years of eating the same dry cat food daily, I imagine there’s quite a bit of hostility worked up. The marriage trade-off is: I pack lunches until retirement, in exchange he changes my oil, reaches the shit on the top shelf and makes sure I don’t die naked. It's fair.

Over the last 365 days, I have said, “I’m sorry” 1,321 times. How can you possibly know that you may ask? I’m anal retentive and have zero regard for how awkward it makes other people feel always saying, “I’m sorry.” I was also raised Catholic, so it’s deeply fucking ingrained. I say, “I’m sorry” when you stub your toe. It’s not my fault you’re an idiot who didn’t pay attention to where you were going. Still, somehow, I’m sorry.

If we do the math, 1,321 averages out to 3.6 times a day that I say I’m sorry to my husband. Let’s call it 4. Can you imagine how fucking nerve-racking that would be? It’s a miracle I’m not buried in the desert by now. I would have killed me at least 4 months ago. Times like these I’m glad we live in a condo. Community pool means someone is likely to witness the drowning and there’s no backyard of our own to speak of; he’s going to have to borrow one.

The Lobster endures. I am not what one would call high maintenance, but I certainly make it difficult. There's pouting, passive-aggressive backlash, impatience, and an endless barrage of shelter dog photos that I send him. We can't have a dog due to landlord regulations at our condo. That, however, doesn't stop me from sending him photos of every sweet miserable pup face I see. My depravity is boundless.

6.5 fucking years! I’ve been sleeping with the same man for 6.5 years. How the hell did this happen? Not a stray in there anywhere. So weird. Family members have joked about my 2-year cap. My attention span gives out after that and literally, EVERYTHING they do irritates me. I have dumped men because I didn’t like the way they breathed anymore. Chewing was an issue with one. Hair became an issue with another – I couldn’t wake up next to dreads anymore. It was nothing serious at that point anyhow. Best to nip that shit in the bud. Here I am 6.5 years later, still staring at the same set of balls though. Man, life is funny.

For my readers, my husband is an incredibly good sport. He’ll take this in stride and with remarkable grace. He knows I love him beyond time and space. For the sake of his family, I’ve made this post “unavailable” on certain platforms– or at least to some of them. No one wants to read about their son’s balls. My own family, however, well, I have no shame and since most of this is about how shitty I am, this should come as no surprise. My foul-mouth and lack of tact or couth is why everyone knows not to answer the phone on speaker and ALWAYS remind me to behave myself BEFORE the family function begins. If you forget to tell me not to swear, that shit’s on you.

I’ll wrap it up by saying my husband is a sweet piece of ass and I adore him. It’s been great so far. I’ve enjoyed finding new and creative ways to confuse and torment him. For our next year of marriage, I’m going to practice saying, “I’m sorry” in multiple languages or perhaps with a Canadian accent. For language variations, I’ll start small. I can begin with sign language; clear facial emote must be employed. I’ll work up to something harder like Japanese or Hungarian.

That’s all for now. Sorry it took so long. Thanks for following along on my mindless rant.

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