Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Holy fucking shit!

I’ll keep this shit brief because I’m just thoroughly disgusted; I’m beside myself. This week is yet another week where humanity baffles and astounds me.

In the news we have role models who come into the light as abusers and possible sexual predators and more senseless deaths that can be chalked up to terrorist activity. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. What I do know is that it doesn’t surprise me and that’s what fucking sucks. People in positions of power that we entrust with our respect, who then in turn abuse that respect and harm others – that shit doesn’t surprise me much these days either, and that shit sucks too. What the fuck has happened to our morality? As a human being is there a point at which you say to yourself that you are more important than another living soul and it’s ok to be fuck someone over? Does money and power flip that switch or were you an evil creature from the beginning and simply needed a little nudge.

None of what happens in the news surprises me anymore. What astounds me still and manages to piss me off to no end though, is the fact that people stand around the water cooler and talk about mindless bullshit after the fact like human lives aren’t being lost, like families aren’t suffering and it didn’t just happen in our own goddamn backyard. We’re so desensitized; or maybe I’m too sensitive. I literally am crawling out of my skin listening to my co-workers talk about the wages they have bet on tonight’s basketball game not 3mins after having watched a clip of the news from New York. Here they are laughing about some lay-up some asshole missed. I fear they are missing the mother fucking point!!!! People are dying, people are hurting, entitlement is goddamn rampant and respect and morality are non-existent. Yes - I’m upset. For fuck sake, you should be too. 


  1. Part of it is societal another part of it is sociopaths make great leaders you at least have to have a narcissistic personality to even run for office :-(
