Thursday, August 2, 2018

Society's quivering bitch muscle

Which came first, the quivering bitch muscle of society or our current President?

I’m legitimately trying to figure out if some of you assholes have always been this fucking clueless and sensitive or if Trump really is the cause of the bullshit commentary I’ve been getting on my social media posts lately.

In no way, shape, or form, am I a Trump supporter. I have trouble supporting a man I cannot fully identify as human. There is no evidence to substantiate that claim, to the best of my knowledge. Look at his fucking wife, that bitch never looks happy unless she’s around another man, or woman for that matter. It’s as if she’s silently crying for help. Can’t blame her. Just the thought of his puckered face and wispy hair make my vagina drier than 10 ruptured silica gel packs jammed right up center street. Melania always looks like she’s about to walk into a waxing appointment; that look of pinched annoyance but submission to the plan. Complete defeat. God bless that hoe for taking the dick that the rest of us want nothing to do with, unless you’re a paid professional, apparently.

So, like I was saying, huge Trump supporter. Bigly.

Recently I’ve been scaling back my social media presence. It’s bullshit, but I feel like I’m not safe saying shit without some fucker turning words against me out of scared ignorance on their end, then neatly tying it up in a political bow. 9 times out of 10 what I say has jack shit to do with politics, I’m just not savvy enough for all of that, but leave it to Todd or Glen to add commentary to make it seem that way.  Now I have to I have to pray for their idiot souls too? It’s too easy to jump on the liberal or conservative car of the train and ride it into your vision of victory, or the ground, which ever stop is first on the line.

The other day I posted a picture of a spider in the men’s restroom at my work to a social site. The spider had given birth to a mess load [technical term] of baby spiders. I captioned the photo: “we’re well past catch and release.” Some uninvited individual decided to comment that I was beginning to sound like Trump. I’m sorry, what the fuck?! Spiders are not political. I see no correlation and you can just fuck right off.

Why is everything an opportunity to bring politics into play? It’s just a sea of assholes volleying blame and bullshit accusations back and forth. It’s one thing to be in the political arena and have this monkey shit flung around, but I’m just some chick who minds her own business and writes what’s on her mind. Why do I get the full experience? Can I get a little lube and foreplay before you jam your fist up my ass? Up until now, I’ve kept politics out of my blogs. This isn’t even political, this is just a rant about people being entitled little douchebags – using any excuse at all to hear themselves speak. I see it everywhere. It’s disgusting. I don’t need, or even want, everyone to gather around a big circle and share what we like about one another. There’s no need to start sucking each other’s dicks, but for fuck’s sake, quit being little bitches!

Maybe we ought to start implementing an added voice option for all commentary added to social media sites. Record your comments in your own voice so that the viewer can hear you. No misunderstandings. We’ll know if you’re joking or if you’re a legitimate jackass. We can then take that data and decide whether we’d like to send you thoughts and prayers or flaming bags of dog shit. I’m super mature, in case you hadn’t noticed.

If you have questions about some shit I’ve written or posted, for the love of God, don’t embarrass yourself – ask me.

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