Thursday, September 21, 2017

Shadow song

She was magic to him
The way the light would glisten from her lips
Refracting soul
When she sang
The wildness in her eyes
When she danced
She was magic to him
Unbridled joy in her laughter
The way she tossed her hair
When she spoke
Her every movement captured his attention
Burning itself to memory
Creating a legend
She was magic to him
She devastated all of his inhibitions
Crippled all of his command
A potency in her essence unrivaled
To him, she was magic
She was a story with countless endings
The longest night
She was the constant rhythm of a metronome
Until one day she wasn’t
She was magic to him
But she was none the wiser
The music stopped 
No dances to be had nor songs to be sung
Her magic died
Nights become days, days to months, and months to years
He dances in a magicless world
Devastated and crippled
Haunted by her legend

 Image result for smoke shadow